Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Fw: IndianMuslimObserver.com:

Alok says to Indian Muslims observer . com : The more unsatisfied the muslims r the more justified RSS stand against Gandhijis secular theory.What was a need to declare India a secualr state when nither Hindus nor muslims are happy.It was a very bad decission as India has seen so many communal riots due to its secular agenda which does not bring about peace, tolerance and brotherhood.UPA is a bad govt who is having no guts to impelemnet family planning,impelement strictly laws of land when illegal structures come up, illegal assemblies blocking road by various religious groups,possessing illegal arms, doing illegal business, car thefts,encroachments,constructing unauthorised structures etc etc. For votes UPA is not acting the way Dubai/ Singpoare acts and we dont see riots and illegal activities.
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O) M:9324225699

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From: Google Alerts <googlealerts-noreply@google.com>
To: tholiya@yahoo.com
Sent: Tue, 26 October, 2010 2:07:17 PM
Subject: Google Alert - indian courts

Blogs 2 new results for indian courts
IndianMuslimObserver.com: Why is UPA sleeping over Ayodhya verdict?
By IMO admin
We want the government to stand up and clear the shadow cast over the secular nature of Indian republic by the Allahabad High court verdict. Narasimha Rao type of dilly dallying tactics may not just boomerang on the government but could ...
IndianMuslimObserver.com - http://www.indianmuslimobserver.com/

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