Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Sorry ......due to drought in our state the Holi event is cancelled...shortly we will announce next event

Dear JU members. 

While I take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy Holi but feel proud by announcing that our holi gettogahter as earlier announced stands cancelled. 

I said proud cause we are only satisfied enlightened citizens of this state. Most part of our state is going thru acute water shortage. And general feeling was to avoid arin dance holi which needs several tankers of water. 

Respecting sentiments of all who felt one with our bretheren facing shortage of water we have cancelled holi celebration this year which is otherwise our annual fixed agenda. 

This year we can apply holi gulal tilak minus the use of huge quantity of water and enjoy Thandai and pakoras and yet celebrate festival of victory of vice over good and brotherhood. 

NB: All those who do not wish to play with colors should not fe forced applied however they must understand this is not part of religion but a custom of spreading brotherhood and victory of right and good. So any one of any religion can participate in holi without disturbing their religious beliefs. 

TV and media must spread awareness about benefits and ills of these customs and how ills can be overcome. Serials showing holi with water must issue some requests on save water. Colours used must be of a good quality. Trees must not be cut and instead burn waste and filth etc.. 

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya,

CC to others for awareness

listen to Amitabha Bachan on Sankara Netralaya

And all those who want to learn how a great institution of charity can be built and also if u want to donate to cause of poor eye patients then buy one IN INSIGHT. 

If someone wants more copies for redistribution can write to me and when I go to Sankara Netralaya in search of a good neuro ophthalmologist I can get same for you. 

And definitely I will be buying one copy for myself and anyone can borrow from my office for reading. 

Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya,