Monday, May 31, 2010


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Aerotec Mumbai <>
Sent: Mon, 31 May, 2010 2:48:16 PM
Subject: Fw: [cooperation_corruptiongroup] Re: BRTS OF AHMEDABAD.....

Dear Alok,
I am fully agree with you about Mumbai's Codition today.
With regards,
Mahendra Islaniya

Alok adds:
When BJP was in power in center and if they had done work like this then they wud have probably not lost. BJP still has a chance to gain by publicising the Modi govt's work. We in Mumbai still use train, bus, taxi etc left behind by Britishers. The visting places/ tourists places r also pre independence only names have been Indianised. Shameless no progress rule  of 60yrs.30 yrs back It used to take 45 minutes to churchgate by train from my place. It is same today.It used to take 45 minutes by road nowit takes 90minutes+.
We cud do shopping in vegetable market built by Britishes now we do on footpath and drain built by this govt.
We used to get water 24 hrs. Now we get 45 minutes.
We cud walk safely on footpath now we r made to walk on mid road due to hawkers from UP, Bihar and bangladesh.
We never used to have flooding in our area. But for last 10 years every year there is a flooding due to patronising of illegal shanties, illegal  migrants and choked drains .
Only good gardens r those maintained by privates. Onkly good hospitals, schools, etc r thosewith privates.
Outdated  rudely taxi, auto r blessings of this govt and migrants with defective meters.
There r no places except what was built by Britishers where u can take ur visitors like museum, rani baug, crowford market, fountain, gate way of India, Chowpati , fish aqaurium, etc etc. Only what we find is politicians and bureacrats owned 5 stars, palatial private bunglows, fat swiss accounts etc in the name of independence and governance.
Thanks and Regards,
Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.),
tholiya@yahoo. com
M: 9324225699/ 9819733057