In Indian conditions for even legitimate & proper work or even for work of
mutual interest (dealer principal relations) (tax payee & payer) where there
should be no need to follow up we are made to slog, plead , request ,bring
influence and grease the palm. Is it because:
(a) We are disorganized (b) Slack (c) Egoist (d) overburdened (e) are busy
in meetings (f) most importantly over loaded with Govt. formalities (g) are
modern RAKSHAS (Devil) (psychic) & relish others sufferings (h) or that our
genes are of such inferior quality that we can’t deliver quickly, timely,
efficiently, can’t get organized, can’t do good of others rather can’t even
see good of others.
Where as bureaucracy / judiciary / politicians think it to be their
birthright to turndown/ delay / obstruct / harass I summon & do nothing /
prolong & cause damage / keep more & more ambiguities / keep changing
policies & law / keep introducing more & more paper work & forms to be
filed, enjoy big queues waiting outside cabin etc. however even private
sector company executives too make you run pillar to post for routine
regular work / claims / service I refunds etc. etc.. The dealers / customers
are so egoist that they won’t pay before turning you back hundred times, the
advocates will take dates as per their convenience yet not remain present &
even if present they would anxiously be waiting for fresh dates as are never
prepared well to handle the matter.
Presently whole life we keep bowing to executives* (Pvt. / Public),
Legislators*, Judiciary* (also & inspite of usual palm greasing) do vigorous
follow-ups/send reminders, appoint P.R.O ’s / till our last breath & prepare
our ‘widow to be’ our ‘orphans to be’ to do the same thereafter for death
certificate, to obtain probate, to get change of name done in property
records, to get claims settled on death.
The time & energy wasted on follow up if saved then not only your company’s
profitability will grow but country too will progress rapidly. Let business
men have more time to research, develop, produce, export & earn foreign
currency like China, Korea, Taiwan etc. do and kill ~~RAVAN~~* ( Executive,
Judiciary, Politicians) who only spend country’s money & block progress.
Therefore this Diwali take oath to quickly disburse pending work & as well
don’t give up easily when faced with delay devils & fight them & the day
will come when Life will become livable & loveable & you will once again
start loving your Country & Countrymen.
Marigold Hall,Tholiya Bhavan,
10Th Rd., Santacruz East,
Mumbai 400055