Thursday, October 15, 2009

Diwali Prayer

This year, Goddess Lakshmi, please pass by my door

There are others in need, and they deserve you more.

Take my earnings, my wealth and my pride, I pray

Let shared wealth – not my own -- glow radiant today.

Am I falsely proud, Mother? Is this illusion and lie?

Take me down, Maha Kali. Make me stand small and shy.

Come with your sword, like a sheep shear me naked

And then hold my hand, help me hold my head high.

My countrymen stand small, how can I stand tall?

Cast their fate upon me, in their midst let me fall.

And then, Mother Shakti, give me love, strength and grace

To be a guide they can trust, and a true friend to all.

Happy Diwali, my friends. I am praying for an end to our collective mania for endless economic growth, and our addiction to the rat race. I’m praying for peace, contentment and a healthy dose of reality. I humbly ask you all to join me in this prayer.

Warm Regards,

Alok Tholiya

1 comment:

  1. Very nice, Alok. My compliments to you on this post.

    Warm Regards,
