Friday, August 21, 2009

The Chairman, Hinduja Hospital Trust,

Alok Tholiya (S.E.O.)

Past President: Pali Hill Jaycees Youth Club, Leo Dist. 323A, Lions Club of Vakola




Tel. 26125699 / M.9324225699.

The Chairman,

Hinduja Hospital Trust,



Dear Sir,


Yours is one of the best managed and tension free hospital. May god bless Hinduja family for this big contribution to our Mumbai. Our family is has always been depending on this great institution for last 35 years.. However here are few humble suggestions:

  1. There are many grateful patients / neighbours / sr. citizens who would like to give their mite to this great institution in terms of time / money in their own humble way.Pl make one patients and hospital alumni. Last time my father was hospitalised at the same time when several patients from Gujarat Earthquake were flown in. You were running short of hands. At such times really local volunteers can be of help. Who will feel happy volunteering their time and efforts.
  2. The suggestion box are everywhere. But no paper / pen provided.. No one carries paper etc. when they rush to hospital. Encourage people to write something every day.
  3. Your costly medical machines are working but wheel chair etc. need to be serviced.
  4. There is lot of pressure on ward staff in the morning hours.. Simultaneously discharge timings are same before 11 am. Therefore thrice I have experienced delay in discharge and finally they charge for next day and I have to run to get same reversed. Make changes in discharge timings or increase staff in morning hours.
  5. Mostly doctor’s jr.. who has to make summary of patients treatment is never available in spite of discharge instructions by attending specialists. Why not ensure they come without repeated requests. There is always no bed available reply when one wants but there is always a delay in discharge. The impression it gives is that you don’t relive a patients till you have another ready. Bad for the name of Great Hindujas.
  6. Adult diapers given to my mother who is thin and slim and skinny (unlike me) were XL. Same were charged at Rs. 75 per diapers.Pl. note that diapers are available in different sizes and best diapers are available at Rs. 22/- Each. I do not blame management on this as there is always a shadow under the lamp.. Someone jr. is making negligent purchases and patients are paying for same.Pl. investigate all non standard items purchases.
  7. The Shirt and pent given to my mother were too large to be managed while walking. In spite of folding pyjama it was six inches out from feet. And overcharging physiotherapist (Rs. 300 for 5 minutes) was insisting her to walk but how can she with such pyjamas. Pyjamas should be with good quality elastic rather than nada (thread).
  8. Like our democratic system spoils elected representatives and they behave as raja's for life same happens to patients relatives after being discharged from ICU to regular ward.. In ICU as relative’s patients we had to do nothing and things were happening automatically. But in wards nothing was happening automatically. When my attending family members got frustrated on several issues and told me then I though over it and replied it is our patient handling and familiarization programme and that unless you do most of the things here then how will you cop up with patient at home after being discharged.
  9. However a white board/ Note pad is required with all patients bed for the points which patients relatives want to say, need attention to etc.. Several repeated request to Nurses bring no result as they don't move an inch without doctors instructions. And by the time either shift of nurse changes or responsible relative has gone for some reason and the issue keeps hanging. On 6th Feb we had pointed out repeatedly to staff and jr. docs about need to remove stitches of my mother which were done ten days before. Finally when I got face to face by chance / accidentally on 13th Feb. to the attending sr. doctor and pointed him our request only then he instructed the staff for doing the needful. By this time skin had started coming over stitches on scalp.
  10. Most relatives of patients complain that they are never easily able to see the Sr. doctor under whom patient is admitted. I can understand that time can not be guaranteed but following three things can be done to ensure that they can meet without much difficulties:
  • Staff must be informed and in turn they can inform patients that if everything goes well then doc comes on round between these times. Relatives will ensure that they will remain present during that slot.
  • Doctors if miss that slot then inform staff that what is rescheduled expected timings.
  • Finally most of the doctors have their clinics/OPD too. They be advised to meet in their chamber during OPD hours. I cud not see our doctor for eight days because same never coincided. We should avoid the chances and wait and anxiety and ensure that doctors lend their ear to right relatives which is only possible if same is part of management and not coincidence.Pl. Counsel them (relatives).Take them in confidence. After all they are worried, spending heavily and yet are in dark though you (hospital and doctor) are doing all best and right but sharing is as important as caring.

11. A system can be evolved where in if tests above certain level are being carried out then a need is explained and consent is taken.

12. All Govt. worldwide must introduce a system where jottings of patients/ relatives are maintained as record along with other medical records. This will reduce delay / negligence or at least bring same to record. In Niron Hospital, Santacruz when a patient had heamichuria (Blood in urine) and sonography was suggested at 5 pm but till 11 pm they could not get one sonologist and they have permission to run ICU??? But do we have any thing to prove this if something serious had happened? No.

  1. 26/11 attack on Cama Hospital was not a planned one. There target cud have been Times building or something else. And after such big issue which we have been able to raise at international level I don't think at least hospitals will be a target of terrorism unless there are some VIP admitted. Therefore not allowing relatives in to the lobby is inhuman. So many relatives are standing outside the building in the compound or on road. There are no toilets for them, no canteen, no benches. And they are bearing blowing wind of sea and bearing scorching heat in the afternoon. I don’t know what will happen to them in the monsoon.

Sir/ Madam, Our police have no time to review their red alert or such instructions. Our press is busy with bachhans, khans, page 3 etc.. etc. Pl. don’t wait for them for taking up human and common men’s issues. You have been doing good work. Think of sufferings of patients relatives. Let them in till inside lounge. You may send them up only against passes... I don’t mind if you put Rs. 10/- as entry to waiting lounge but give them shade. You are great human and will do the needful, I am sure.

14. You have been one of the first hospital giving best facilities to patients and their relatives. I can’t count but are like best canteen, lobby, water coolers, rest rooms for relatives of ICU patients, free incoming phone facilities, dietician, TV in lobby for even guests, etc. etc. Times have changed. You need to give net facility to them. Have two or three pc with net connections and you may charge for usage. But now relative coming in hospital for hours and days cannot remain disconnected with world/ office etc. etc. Or let patients alumni arrange and manage.

15. You have a tie up with a leading US hospital and gained a lot of modern management skills. Now impart same to other hospitals in India and of course on chargeable basis. My locality does not have a single good hospital. Nither they can afford nor have vision like yours. If they get training and streamlining patients/ hospital management then same will be a great boon.PL. consider same seriously.

16. LAST BUT THE MOST IMPORTANT: This suggestion I wanted to introduce with political objectives and not for my launch but of Shri Shiv Khera. However he is delaying his aggressive political launch and I don’t want to delay benefit to citizen of middle class.

You have benefits for patients below poverty line.. But what about middle class?

You are charging (by the way all institutions and service providers and even govt.) same to person earning Rs. Two lacs per annum and person earning Rs. 2crore per day like Amitabh, Shahrukh, Ambani, Tata, Birla, Mittal, Mallaya, Mayavati, lalloo, stock market king, Mafia, don, smugglers, Lootera EX ICICI Bank Chairman Kamat, Narayan Murti, Deepak parekh, Fraudsters Raju , Azim Premji, Monarchs and ex monarchs etc. etc. Specially facilities like ICU/ ICCU etc...

Imagine for a by-pass a person of middle class shells out Rs. 3 lacs and fortune five hundred co.. CEO Rs. 6 lacs (meager difference due to class of suite they choose. Is it fair, morally and ethically and economically?

Ask people to declare their income between a particular slabs. Give 50% discount for people below income of 5 lacs p.a.25% discount for people between 5 to 10 lacs. For 10 to 25 lacs pa full rates. Above 25 lacs charge 50% premium service charges.

When you touch ego of blessed monied people by giving them airhostess (earlier times before reservation started) looking and dressed Sisters, give them silky suits to wear decorate their door with names like names of suites in 7 star , special lift, special barber, special evening friends assembly ( when allowed), battery operated wheel chair, etc. Etc. Then their flattered ego will ask them to ask for premium category. They have money and they splash out in cocktails just to be on page 3 then they will also do same in the name of premium facility. But treatment to all is same. This will take care of your providing subsidy to middle class who are getting sandwiched in this era.

Thanks and Regards,

Alok Tholiya (S.E.O..),

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